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I know Thanksgiving has come and gone and for some this post may feel a little late, but there is a reason for that. I don’t know about you but growing up my family had a tradition that as we gathered around the dinner table on Thanksgiving one of my parents would...
The Dearg-Due

The Dearg-Due

It was a night not unlike tonight when I first heard tell of the Dearg-Due. The moon was full. The stars were young. The air was crisp, cool, and laced with the smell of autumn leaves, rain-kissed fields, and the many other scents of a late October night. The moon,...
My Tastes Part 1: Reading

My Tastes Part 1: Reading

What I Read I grew up reading A LOT of Fantasy. Don’t worry, I won’t be going over all of the books I have ever read, but I thought it might be fun to talk about some of them. The first book I remember actively seeking out to read was Harry Potter and the...
Kelsey The Corgi

Kelsey The Corgi

The Concept Kelsey the Corgi has always wanted to be a service dog. Her energy and enthusiasm, however, prevent her from succeeding in the professional world and she is sent away to live with a family (as a house pet)! Disheartened by failure, Kelsey learns that she...
And So It Begins!

And So It Begins!

This is it! Are you ready? This is the moment when I finally push my writing out from the safe, warm, albeit lonely confines of the various notebooks, Word documents, and scraps of paper it has been hiding in and send it out into the world. I have to admit I am more...